Trine Alumni Awards

Trine University takes great pride in the success and accomplishments of its esteemed alumni.

Each year, the university honors five alumni for achievements in their careers, the difference they have made in their communities and their dedication to Trine University. Alumni award recipients are honored each year at the the Touchstone Alumni & Donor Recognition Celebration dinner, held the Friday of Homecoming weekend.

Along with alumni awards, the Pillar of Success and Woman of Distinction awards are given to deserving candidates and recognized at the same Touchstone dinner. Recipients are determined by the university's President's Office.

Pillar of Success Award

pillar of success award

The Pillar of Success is the most prestigious award given by the university. As a pillar represents a vital, supporting position in any structure, so do the following individuals. They provide vital support through their commitment, loyalty and dedication. They have proven to be true Pillars of Success, advancing and securing the mission of Trine University and its future.


2024 James P. Fabiani
2023 Charles L. Nedele
2022 Keith M. Turner, BSME 1976

2021 Dr. Keith E. Busse
2020 **
2019 Dr. Jack Shaw
2018 Mayor Richard M. Hickman
2017 Clifford D. Ryan
2016 Richard L. Oeder, BSCE 1965
2015 Larry E. Reiners, BSCE1965
2014 Tomas Furth, BSME 1954
2013 Lynn A. Brooks, BSBA 1975
2012 Rick L. James, BSBA 1977
2011 James D. Bock, BSME 1954
2010 Lawrence D. Franks, BSME 1959
2009 Mark E. Souder, US Representative 2003-2010
2008 William A. Gettig, BSME 1949
2008 Robert L. Jannen*, BSCHE 1950
2007 C.W. Sponsel*, BSCE 1931
2007 Robert L. Remington
2006 Ralph D. Trine, BSME 1961
2006 Sheri G. Trine

**No recipients awarded in 2020

Recipients prior to 2006

Woman of Distinction Award

woman of distinction award

The Woman of Distinction Award was inaugurated in 2006 to honor Marjorie Bowstrom, a Tri-State University Trustee, Zollner Corp. retired Board President and Chief Executive Officer and Zollner Foundation Director. The award recognizes the powerful contributions of women in the areas of philanthropy, business and education, and is presented annually to a woman judged by the university to mirror the attributes Marjorie so admirably represents. It signifies the university's high regard for the lofty achievements of today's female leaders.


2024 Jennifer Danic
2023 Debra Rhoads
2022 Theresa E. Wagler
2021 Suzanne Crouch, Indiana Lt. Gov.
2020 **
2019 Kathy Oeder
2018 Jean A. Deller, Ph.D.
2017 Cindy Turner
2016 Rita M. Nedele
2015 Judy A Morrill
2014 Vicki L. James
2013 Joan D. Bock
2012 Jorja J. Allen
2011 Melanie N. Brooks
2010 Sheri Trine
2009 Frances Shevenaugh
2008 Dolores Tichenor
2007 Virginia Fabiani
2006 Majorie Bowstrom

**No recipients awarded in 2020


Distinguished Service Award

distinguished service award

The Distinguished Service Award is given each year to an alumnus/a who has performced outstanding service to society in his or her profession, personal achievement or community; and who has manifest interest in Trine University and has supported it by contributions of time, talent and money; by recruitment of students; or by placement of graduates.


2024 C. Travis Wilhelm, BSEA 1999
2023 Jennifer Sharkey, BSCE 2007
2022 Ed Stowe, BSEE 1960
2021 Ned Haylett, BSME 1972
2020 **
2019 Dr. James Ross Rinker, BSBA 1958
2018 Patrick Sullivan, BSAE 1990
2017 James R. Bullard, BSCE 1972
2016 Edward R. Gerecke, Jr., BSCE 1970
2015 Ann (Barrows) Cunningham, BSBA 1956
2014 Michael P. Darch, BSBA 1967
2013 James D. Bock, BSME 1954
2012 Rick L. James, BSBA 1977
2011 John R. Anderson, BSBA, 1974
2011 George E. Higginson, BSBA 1963
2010 Hubert N. Weikart, BSME 1956
2009 Lynn A. Brooks, BSBA 1975
2008 James M. Krzyzewski, BSME 1971
2008 Mitchel E. Rhoads, BSBA 1966
2007 William D. Dubois, BSCE 1966
2007 Stephen R. LaHood, BSBA 1970
2006 Joseph R. Mason, BSCS 1974, BSBA 1977
2006 Jeffrey Posendek, BSED 1977

**No recipients awarded in 2020

Recipients prior to 2006

Outstanding Achievement Award

oustanding achievement award

The Outstanding Achievement Award is given to an alumnus/a each year who has attained a high level of achievement in his or her profession, is well thought of in his or her community, and who upholds the ideals of Trine University.


2024 John C. Carmichael, BSMK 2003
2023 Kelly Ferneau, BSME 1990
2022 Steward Cline, BSAE 1976
2021 Carl Tilmann, Ph. D., BSAE 1987
2020 **
2019 Vipul Shah, BSCE, 1996
2018 Kiruba "Rupa" Shanmugam, BSEE 1995
2017 Sharon M. (Yates) McDonald, BSCJ 2000
2016 Clifford D. Ryan, BSBA 1966
2015 George W. Gilbert, BSBA 1973
2014 Brian W. Ness, BSCE 1980
2013 William F. Pett*, BSME 1953
2012 Gregory J. Ilko, BSAE 1994
2011 Timothy C. Adams, BAMA 1972
2010 Raymond A. Stuckey, BSBA 1976
2010 Steven R. Myers, BSBA 1981
2009 Donald G. Jordan, BSCE 1954
2008 Alan V. Dausman, BSCE1977
2008 William C. Lusk, BSCE 1970
2007 Philip J. O'Brien*, BSBA 1956
2007 Karen A. (Klausing) Austin, BSCS 1986
2006 William Becher, Ph.D., BSRE 1950
2006 Irving A. Shepard*, BSAE 1938

**No recipients awarded in 2020

Recipients prior to 2006

Outstanding Young Alumni Award

outstanding young alumni award

The Outstanding Young Alumni Award is presented to an alumnus/a who is 40 years of age or younger, and whom the Alumni Board and Administration recognizes as an accomplished professional and role model in their chosen career, community activism and active support of Trine University.


2024 Benjamin Syroka, BAGS 2016
2023 Kayla Warren, BSACC 2006
2022 Kelsey Ford, BSEDU, 2010
2021 Garrett Day, BSCE, 2009
2020 **
2019 Steve Jbara, BSBA, 2010
2018 Sarah Waidelich, BSME 2010
2017 Ryan M. Ratkowski, BSDET 2008
2016 Amanda M. (Hall) Sturgeon, BSBS 2002
2016 James E. Sturgeon, BSME 2002
2015 Vincent J. Barletto, BSEE 2004
2014 Sarah L. Brown, BSBA 2014
2013 Andrew R. Hein, J.D., BSCHE 1998
2012 Casey R. Pierce, BSDET 2007
2011 Mathew Iacobelli, BSBA 2009
2010 Ezell Moore, BACOM 2003
2009 Jason A. Stechschulte, BSCE 2003
2008 Joseph D. Miller, BSME 1992
2008 Ruth E. (Haaser) Wertz Ph.D., BSCE 2002
2007 Jason O. Blume, BSME 2004
2007 Jonathan O. Cress, J.D., BSBA 2002
2006 Philip T. Evers, BSBA 1987
2006 Trent E. Newport, BSCE 1992

**No recipients awarded in 2020

Recipients prior to 2006


Spirit of Trine Award


The Spirit of Trine Award is awarded to an individual or individuals who demonstrate continuous, selfless commitment to and devoted enthusiasm for Trine University through involvement in and leadership of various areas of the university including, but not limited to, creation of alumni enthusiasm, alumni re-engagement with the university, campus organizations, alumni support and recruitment.

2024 Donald Danklefsen, BSSM 2003
2016 John Goudy, 1970 BSBA & Stephen LaHood, 1970 BSBA

Distinguished International Alumni Award

Trine University honors former international students who have used their education to distinguish themselves through outstanding achievements. Distinguished accomplishments may include helping to solve a global problem, contributing important new knowledge to their field, supporting the professional development of young people, achieving success in industry or innovation, or in other ways bringing distinction to themselves and Trine University.


Interested in Nominating a Candidate?

Nomination Deadline

Open nominations can be received from July 1st to March 31st of the following calendar year.

Selection Process

The Alumni Association's Board of Directors will review all nominations and propose at least two finalists for each award. The university administration, in coordination with the President of the Board of Directors, will finalize the awardees in each category from the list of proposed finalists. Awardees will be informed by an official letter from the university President and Alumni Association's Board of Directors President.


Eligibility is limited to individuals who hold an associate, bachelor's or master's degree from Tri-State College, Tri-State University or Trine University. Nominations remain active for three award selection cycles.

If your nomination is not selected, you have the opportunity to add supplemental and/or updated information to the individual's nomination packet before the next deadline.

When nominating a recipient for Trine's Pillar of Success and Woman of Distinction Awards, please email directly.


Nominate an Alumni


Questions about Alumni Awards? Please email Madison Prifogle, BACOM 2020, Alumni Award – Nominating Committee Chairwoman at, or simply email your inquiry to