
Two students studying in the library

Undergraduate Scholarships for Angola Campus Students

At Trine University, we are committed to making your education affordable through a wide range of scholarships designed to reward your achievements and support your academic journey.

Scholarship Opportunities

Trine offers an extensive list of awards for prospective students. For more details about specific awards, contact your admission counselor or the Office of Admission at 260.665.4100.

Scholarship Guidelines for Direct Admit Programs

Students enrolled in Direct Admit degree programs should note the following:

  • 3+3 Path: Institutional scholarships are not available during years four, five, and six.
  • 4+3 Path: Institutional scholarships are not available during years five, six, and seven.

While institutional scholarships are unavailable during these graduate years, students are encouraged to explore alternative funding options, such as:

  • Federal Financial Aid: Complete the FAFSA to determine eligibility for loans or grants.
  • External Scholarships: Seek outside scholarships through private organizations to supplement costs.

Scholarship Stacking Policy
  • Students may receive up to two stackable awards.
  • Total awards cannot exceed full tuition.

Need Assistance?
The Office of Admission is here to help you understand your scholarship options and navigate the financial aid process.

📞 260.665.4100

Invest in your future with confidence at Trine University, where we’re dedicated to helping you succeed academically and financially.

Undergraduate Awards

2025-26 Tuition Scholarship for First Year Students

Scholarship  Amount

Scholarship Name

GPA  Requirement

$19,000/year Presidential Scholarship 3.9
$18,000/year Distinguished Scholarship 3.55 
$17,000/year Dean's Scholarship 3.2
$16,000/year University Scholarship 2.85
$14,000/year Discovery Scholarship 2.45


First Year Undergraduate Scholarship Brochure

Trine competitive scholarships are invitation only scholarships. Please reach out to your admission counselor or visit our competitive scholarship webpage for questions and eligibility requirements.

Scholarship  Amount

GPA  Requirement

$20,000/year 3.75 and above
$18,000/year 3.4-3.74
$16,000/year 3.01-3.39
$14,000/year 2.76-3.0
$12,000/year 2.75 and below

The Legacy Award is available for newly enrolled first-year and transfer students who are the children, grandchildren or siblings of TriState/Trine graduates (or currently enrolled siblings). The Legacy Award is valued at $2,000 annually. This award is considered stackable and renewable provided the student is enrolled full-time as an undergraduate Trine student in good standing, and has not transitioned to one of Trine’s graduate programs.

Please send the Legacy information to your admission counselor for you to be awarded.


Alumni Referral Awards will be available to any new student who applies, is admitted and enrolls at Trine University and is officially referred by an alumnus of the University. The future Trine University Alum will receive a $500 award. This award is considered stackable and renewable provided the student is enrolled full-time as an undergraduate Trine student in good standing, and has not transitioned to one of Trine’s graduate programs.

Please have the Referral Form completed to be awarded.

NOTE: Legacy Award recipients are not eligible for the Alumni Referral Award to be awarded.

Students who reside outside of the state of Indiana who are newly enrolled first-year and transfer students, seeking a traditional undergraduate degree, are eligible for this award, which provides $3,000 a year toward tuition. This award is considered stackable and renewable provided the student is enrolled full-time as an undergraduate Trine student in good standing, and has not transitioned to one of Trine’s graduate programs.

Any newly enrolled first-year student who attended a Boys or Girls State with their respective State, is eligible to receive the $2,000 Boys or Girls State Award. This award is considered stackable and renewable provided the student is enrolled full-time as an undergraduate Trine student in good standing, and has not transitioned to one of Trine’s graduate programs.

Applicants can receive this award by sending their admission counselor a copy of their completion certificate given to each participant.


Any newly enrolled first-year student who wishes to pursue either the Pre-Medical Professional Track, Pre-Physical Therapy Professional Track, Pre-OT or Pre-Physician Assistant Track are eligible for a $1,000 award.

Please indicate interest in these programs on your admission application. For eligibility requirements contact your admission counselor.

The student must maintain a minimum 3.5 GPA and continue to pursue one of the three tracks (Pre-Med, Pre-PT, Pre-PA) while attending Trine University as a full time, undergraduate degree seeking student.

This award is considered stackable and renewable provided the student is enrolled full-time as an undergraduate Trine student in good standing, and has not transitioned to one of Trine’s graduate programs.

Trine University partners with Project Lead The Way to help meet the ever-increasing demand for engineers, technologists, and medical professionals to serve today's high-tech world. Learn more about the Project Lead The Way Tuition Award.

Any newly enrolled first-year student who has completed a Trine Dual Enrollment course is eligible to receive the $1,000 Trine Dual Enrollment Award. This award is considered stackable and renewable provided the student is enrolled full-time as an undergraduate Trine student in good standing, and has not transitioned to one of Trine’s graduate programs.

The Trine Dual Enrollment Award is given to students who have completed a minimum of one (1) Trine Dual Enrollment course and earn a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or better. Also to be eligible, students must have completed the Trine Dual Enrollment course no later than May of their high school senior year.

Information on how to enroll in a Dual Enrollment class can be found here.


Trine University is offering 10 academic-based scholarships, each for $2,500, to high school seniors who have participated on a FIRST team during their high school career. This scholarship may be utilized for any undergraduate course of study within the Allen School of Engineering and Computing at Trine. The scholarship is renewable contingent upon maintaining good academic standing and remaining full time in an undergraduate degree within the Allen School of Engineering and Computing. This award is considered stackable.

To be considered for this scholarship, students must submit the scholarship application and necessary documents by March 1st, 2025.

Please complete the Theatre Award Form to be considered for a Theatre Activity Award. Theatre Activity Awards are $1,000 annually, provided the student continues each year in the program.

This award is considered stackable and renewable provided the student is enrolled full-time as an undergraduate Trine student in good standing, and has not transitioned to one of Trine’s graduate programs.

Trine University is pleased to offer to eligible music students the Performing Ensembles Scholarship to all music ensemble performers regardless of major. 

There is no audition necessary. If you have had experience performing in a large ensemble at your high school and fill out the Music Scholarship Information form you do not need a letter from your director. If you have never played in a large ensemble please submit a letter of recommendation from a private teacher or contact our music department office for an interview. The amount of the scholarship is $1,000, except for Marching band which is $2,000. Only one scholarship is available regardless of the number of ensembles taken.

This award is considered stackable and renewable provided the student is enrolled full-time as an undergraduate Trine student in good standing, and has not transitioned to one of Trine’s graduate programs.

As a member of the Trine University Dance or Cheer teams, you qualify for a $1,000 annual activity award. This award is considered stackable and renewable provided the student is enrolled full-time as an undergraduate Trine student in good standing, and has not transitioned to one of Trine’s graduate programs. Continued participation is also required for renewal.

Interested in becoming a member? Please visit the links below for more information:

Thunder Dance Team

Thunder Cheerleading

The Esports Activity Award is a $1,000 annual award. This award is considered stackable and renewable provided the student is enrolled full-time as an undergraduate Trine student in good standing, and has not transitioned to one of Trine’s graduate programs. Continued participation is also required for renewal.

For more information on how to join our esports team, please visit their webpage.

The Rugby Activity Award is $1,000 annually. This award is considered stackable and renewable provided the student is enrolled full-time as an undergraduate Trine student in good standing, and has not transitioned to one of Trine’s graduate programs. Continued participation in this activity is also required.

If you are interested in joining our Rugby program, please complete this Trine Rugby Questionnaire.

The Synchronized Skating Activity Award is $1,000 annually. This award is considered stackable and renewable provided the student is enrolled full-time as an undergraduate Trine student in good standing, and has not transitioned to one of Trine’s graduate programs. Continued participation is also required for renewal.

If you are interested in joining our Synchronized Skating Team, please visit their webpage and complete a Recruit Questionnaire.

High school seniors with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 (on a 4.0 scale) in the top one-third of their class and are a U.S citizen are eligible to apply. Scholarship amounts range from $4,000-$7,000 per year and may be renewable for up to a maximum of eight semesters of undergraduate study only.

The Gruenberg Application for Fall 2025-26 will be mailed to students eligible to apply. Postmark deadline for completed applications is April 4, 2025.

The Gruenberg Application and supporting recommendation letters can also be found below. All documents must be submitted in order to be considered for one of the scholarships. 

Any questions related to the Gruenberg Scholarship can be directed to

Scholarships ranging from $18,000/year up to full tuition available. See Air Force ROTC page for all details.

Scholarships available for students who wish to incorporate studying abroad into their learning experience at Trine. 

Study Abroad Scholarships

Study Abroad Application

Study Abroad Checklist

The National Merit Finalist is $1,000 annually. This award is considered stackable and renewable provided the student is enrolled full-time as an undergraduate Trine student in good standing, and has not transitioned to one of Trine’s graduate programs. Finialist letter required.