Humanities Institute

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The Humanities Institute coordinates innovative programs for the university and larger community by sponsoring annual and one-time events throughout the year. The organization also administers  an annual university award, The Jannen Renaissance Scholar award. Dr. Tom Tierney is the founder of the organization and Associate Professor, Jeanette Goddard, Ph.D., is the director of the Humanities Institute and can be contacted at

The Humanities Institute promotes an appreciation of the arts and humanities within the university and throughout the community.

Book Night

Book Night is an event that was first celebrated on Trine’s campus in 2013 and continues today. It began as part of the broader World Book Night program, but continued after that program ended. Book Night encourages reading through a community book swap, providing free copies of books to Trine students and community members. This even is sponsored and organized in partnership with the Humanities Institute and the COM 253 Event Planning and Promotion class.

Short Story Club

Like talking about books and ideas with people, but don't have time to read a novel? Join Short Story Club for its virtual meetings (held via Zoom) held six times a year. Stories and Zoom link are distributed in advance of each meeting. Feel free to come to just one event or to attend them all. You can get a copy of the story, the Zoom link, and additional information by emailing Associate Professor, Jeanette Goddard, Ph.D., at

Jannen Renaissance Scholar Awards

Endowed in 1991 by Dr. Robert L. Jannen, chair emeritus of the board of trustees and TSU alumnus (BSChE 1950), and his wife Dolores. The awards are presented to students and faculty who exhibit a breadth of interest and accomplishment consistent with Renaissance ideals. These awards are administered by the Humanities Institute.

This film was produced and edited by Ian Hoffman, a student in the Video Production 1 course.