MPAS Goals and Competencies
Mission, Vision, Goals, and Outcomes
The MPAS Program at Trine University will provide an outstanding educational experience that produces PA graduates capable of delivering safe, appropriate, effective, and cost-efficient medical care in a variety of clinical settings, while also preparing them to succeed, lead, and serve.
The MPAS Program at Trine University will provide a dynamic and engaging medical education to students using a combination of traditional and case-based learning experiences with emphases on professionalism, interprofessional collaborative practice, and safe, appropriate, effective, and cost-efficient medical care.
The Trine University Master of Physician Assistant Studies program aspires to meet the following goals:
- Educate and prepare medically knowledgeable and competent physician assistants who excel in various medical settings.
- Cultivate physician assistant leaders committed to lifelong learning and ongoing professional growth.
- Cultivate a dedication to service by promoting meaningful community engagement and enhancing the health and well-being of those in need.
The Trine University Master of Physician Assistant Studies Program has established academic standards and goals for student learning which provide a critical foundation for curriculum development, guideposts for classroom instruction, and a framework for assessment. (B4.03)
By the end of the MPAS program, the graduating student should be able to:
1.1 Possess a sound knowledge of current and evolving biomedical and clinical sciences, and integrate and apply it to the medical care, health promotion, and disease prevention services offered (B1.01c)
1.2 Participate in lifelong learning to continually improve clinical knowledge, clinical and technical skills, professional behaviors, and clinical reasoning and problem-solving abilities (B2.03, B2.05, B2.09, B2.18, B2.19)
1.3 Possess sufficient knowledge of the medicolegal, regulatory, billing/coding, reimbursement, and patient safety issues inherent to medical practice (B2.14, B2.16, B2.17)
1.4 Possess the knowledge and abilities to critically evaluate the medical literature, conduct or participate in limited research projects, and evaluate clinical environments and processes for quality, efficacy, compliance, patient safety, risk management, or other important outcomes that may impact patient care (B2.13)
2.1 Accurately and efficiently perform medical histories and physical examinations across the lifespan that are appropriate and relevant to the clinical situation and setting (B2.07)
2.2 Appropriately order and correctly interpret laboratory, imaging, ECG, and other diagnostic studies commonly performed in clinical settings (B2.07)
2.3 Skillfully perform diagnostic and therapeutic procedures most commonly performed by PAs (B2.07)
3.1 Effectively and efficiently utilize information from the health history, physical examination, laboratory tests and other diagnostic procedures to distinguish between expected vs. abnormal findings, to formulate reasonable differential diagnoses, and to narrow the differential diagnosis list to a presumptive diagnosis in a logical, efficient, and cost-effective manner (B2.07)
3.2 Recommend pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic therapeutic options that are most efficacious and evidence-based while also considering patient preferences and concerns, and the impacts of social, economic, and spiritual factors on health and wellness (B2.06)
3.3 Provide appropriate medical care in emergent, acute, chronic, rehabilitative, palliative, and end-of-life settings (B2.08)
3.4 Assess patient outcomes to evaluate the accuracy of diagnoses, the effectiveness of therapeutic interventions, patient compliance, and other factors that potentially impact patient care (B2.07, B2.12)
4.1 Effectively utilize both electronic and non-digital medical records to document findings, access clinical information, write prescriptions and orders, and make referrals (B2.07, B2.14)
4.2 Utilize technologies and other resources to effectively search, interpret, and appraise the medical literature for answers to clinical questions and evidence-based practices, and integrate and apply newly acquired knowledge into patient care (B2.13)
5.1 Document and communicate medical, legal, financial, or other relevant information to other members of the healthcare team in an accurate, logical, concise, and understandable manner (B2.04, B2.10, B2.17)
5.2 Demonstrate appropriate and effective auditory, verbal, non-verbal, written, and electronic communication skills when dealing with patients, families, caregivers, staff, colleagues, supervising physicians, administrators, and other healthcare professionals (B2.04, B2.10)
5.3 Demonstrate appropriate sensitivity, empathy, compassion, and respect when dealing with diverse patient populations to promote and sustain therapeutically and ethically sound relationships (B2.06, B2.11, B2.12, B2.15)
6.1 Abide by, and uphold, the principles espoused in the “PA Professional Oath” and the American Academy of Physician Assistant’s “Guidelines to the Ethical Conduct of the Physician Assistant Profession” (B2.18)
6.2 Demonstrate and model professional behavior, most especially in interactions with patients, families, staff, colleagues, and superiors (B2.18)
6.3 Abide by legal and regulatory requirements pertaining to the PA profession and clinical practice settings (B2.17, B2.18)