Rachel Miller

imgRachel Miller

Trine University - Rinker-Ross School of Health Sciences
260-665-4620 | email

I have always been fascinated by the diversity and beauty of living organisms. While growing up, I loved finding creatures in the backyard and working in my family's garden. In college, I discovered that the complexity of organisms becomes even more fascinating as you drill down to its smallest components. I graduated with a degree in Cell and Molecular Biology with a minor in chemistry because my interests lie at the intersection of these fields. 

I went on to study biochemistry at the University of Notre Dame where I learned how to mix and match the components of living systems to build biosensors that can be used to help detect counterfeit pharmaceuticals in technology-limited settings. I enjoy sharing this project with students and allowing them to stretch their creativity and use biological molecules to help address real-world challenges.

I am excited to work in the close-knit science department at Trine where we are all focused on helping students reach their potential. I grew up in Grabill, Indiana and I am looking forward to living closer to my family and to take advantage of the beautiful natural landscape in the tri-state area. In my free time I enjoy gardening, gaming, and making new and tasty food.