Native Buckeye, Colts fan

Angelia Niederhelmanangelia neiderhelman

Trine University - Jannen School of Arts & Sciences
Associate Professor
B.S., M.S., Purdue University
260.665.4783  |  email

A native Buckeye, I first came to Indiana in 1998.  I have been involved in math education since 2001, and have been teaching math since 2007, coming to Trine to teach math full-time in Spring 2017.

I earned my M.S. in mathematics from Purdue University.  In addition to teaching math, I am the co-advisor for the Trine Math Club.  I also am a member of the Mathematical Association of America (MAA) and the Association for Women in Mathematics (AWM).

When I’m not teaching, I can be found cheering on the Indianapolis Colts, reading mystery novels, or crocheting while watching horror movies.